To begin with, I can’t change you if you don’t want to change yourself. You are completely in charge of your therapy if you choose me as an expert to consult in your life experiences. I often compare myself to an architect in that I have a lot of good ideas on how and where to build your house, However, in the end, you build it, live in it and pay for it.  I work hard and care deeply for your well-being, but I can not do your job for you.

Our therapy session lasts an hour, but the rest of therapy happens outside of session, where you will make changes and do your own work as you see fit.  I have been a counselor in Florida since 1999, and most of the feedback I receive from clients and colleagues revolves around my  personal strength of clarity.

I have been called a “straight  shooter.” I am NOT Dr. Phil in style, but I am clear, precise, and to the point.


33 6th Street South Suite 202, St Petersburg Florida 33701
[email protected]

Annette Reiter MA, LMFT