Formal University Research Studies on Tholagé™

Study 1–Pilot Study on Tholáge

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 2022
Eye-Movement-and-Somatic Protocol of Tholáge (Activating Protocol)

Large effect sizes were found in treating depression with Tholáge, as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory, and in treating emotion dysregulation, using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. These results indicate Tholáge was efficacious, after just 2 treatments.

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Study 2–Multi-University Study on Tholáge

University of Wisconsin system (2023-24)
Eye-Movement-and-Somatic Protocol of Tholáge (Activating Protocol)

Large effect sizes were again found in this larger study (n = 63), using Beck Depression Inventory to assess for improvement in depression and Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised to assess for improvement in emotion regulation. These results indicate Tholáge was efficacious, after just 2 treatments. 

Study 3–Neuroimaging Study on Tholáge

GE HealthCare IRB Study (2024)
Small, Neuroimaging Study of Eye-Movement Protocol of Tholáge (Activating Protocol)

The human subject, who was inside an fMRI machine, lifted their eyes to 60° up for 10 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of neutral/looking straight ahead—a pattern that was repeated continuously for several minutes. Though the locus coeruleus (LC) and amygdalae were too small to be seen with the level of resolution being used in this small IRB-approved study, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) lit up every time the subject lifted their eyes up, all of which was exactly as Matsuo et al. (2015) found in their study of “upgazes.” Activation of the vmPFC also indicates activation of the amygdala, also as Matsuo and team found.

Study 4 (in Planning Stages)

University of Montana
Study on Full Treatment of Tholáge (Activating and Deactivating Protocols)

Plans are being made at the University of Montana to study both treatment protocols of Tholage, the Access, or Activating Protocol (eye-movement-and somatic release) and the Attachment, or Deactivating Protocol (exercises that mimic the center of the Window of Tolerance.